The concept essence is a celebration of motion, purity of detail, and is recognizably Mazda.
The arrival zone provides a pivotal view for the Customer that enables filtering and connections with people, product, brand reinforcement and branded merchandise.
The Concept involves visual transparency with an integrated wall divider that frames the open space, a device that provides functional ergonomic workspace for support staff and a direct line of sight to the entry and Customers and their Advisors, with a premium tailored concept.
A unified acoustic ceiling, with concealed lighting, provides an organic and natural feel fundamental to the retail experience for the customer, a heightened sense of quality and value is embedded into the Customer’s brand and transaction experience.
The Customer is assured a comfortable, and overly positive experience at the cantilevered desks and premium seating, that are designed to provided short or long duration in an overly premium experience.
The retail concept showcases a range of replacement equipment designed so to be equally visible from both the interior and the exterior shopfront.
The Lighting design is a combination of both direct and indirect design is tailored and integrated into the fabric of the design to celebrate the customer, their car, and their connection to Mazda brand essence.
Client: Preston Mazda
Scale: 300 m2
Type: Retail, Automotive, Technical & Workplace
Location: Preston, VIC, Australia
Completed: 2024
Photography: Jonathan Tabensky
Concept Render